Exodus Books, Videos, and Products

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Exodus Books, Videos, and Products
Recommended Products for Purchase

Amazon.com - Recommended List of Exodus Books, Videos, and Products on Amazon.

Wall Posters and Photos of Mount Sinai
from Jim and Penny Caldwell

•   from Discovery Media (also calendars)
•   from Michael Rood

10 Commandments Wall Chart from Bill Sanford

Ancient and Paleo-Hebrew Resources

See also the Amazon.com list above for more products.

•  Hebrew Word Pictures by Dr. Frank T. Seekins - The pictorial meaning of Ancient Hebrew Letters.  Hebrew is the easiest language to learn.
•  Ancient Hebrew Chart  
How we got our alphabet. Shows centuries of development from the first alpha bet of ancient Hebrew to Greek to English letters.
Paleo Hebrew Flash Cards from Rock Island Books
•  Hebrew Flash Cards (Item #2 on page) with Ancient, Paleo, and Modern Hebrew from Moadim  

Books on Ancient and Paleo Hebrew:
•  The Writing of God by Dr. Miles Jones

•  The World's Oldest Alphabet (sample) by Dr. Doug Petrovich

•  Paleo Hebrew Interlinear Old Testament Bible by Bill Sanford  [view sample]
Messianic Aleph Tav Interlinear Scriptures (MATIS) - Recommend the Red Letter Edition
Contains a line for each: Paleo-Hebrew, the Paleo-Hebrew pronunciation in English, Modern Hebrew, and the English.  Includes Strong's Concordance Reference Numbering.  This Old Testament comes in three volumes:  Torah (Pentateuch) (also on Amazon), Writings (also on Amazon), and Prophets (also on Amazon).  Click on the Amazon link to preview each volume.

Our focus at RealMountSinai.com remains in recommending the best of the best in Exodus videos, research, and products. 
We do not make money off of the sale of any recommended products.

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