Biblical Exodus Media – Films, TV, and Documentaries
Biblical Exodus Media
Films, TV, and Documentaries
Patterns of Evidence Movie Series by Tim Mahoney, Thinking Man Films
[ Great Video Overview ]
- Film #1 (2015) "The Exodus" [website] see videos below
— Covers Joseph and Hebrews in Egypt and Discusses the Exodus Timeline (Chronology). - Film #2 (2019) "The Moses Controversy" [website] see videos below
— Covers evidence for Moses writing the Torah/Pentateuch (1st five books of the Bible).
Gets into the origins of Ancient and Biblical (Paleo) Hebrew that Moses would have written in. - Film #3 & #4 (2020) "The Red Sea Miracle" [website]
— Covers the Red Sea crossing at Nuweiba, Egypt in the Gulf of Aqaba. Will look at the geology and underwater archaeological finds of chariot parts found. - Film #5 (future) "Journey to Mount Sinai" (title not chosen yet)
— Covers the Real Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia, the events, and archaeological evidence on the ground at Jabal al-Laws mountain range near Al Bad, Saudi Arabia.
Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle (Part 1 & 2) - 2020 Feature Films
Patterns of Evidence: The Moses Controversy - 2019 Feature Film
WATCH FREE (USA & Canada). Purchase on DVD at (also Director's Edition). Watch Online at YouTube, Amazon Prime, iTunes, Vimeo, Christian Cinema.
View our page "The Researchers" for more information contained in this film.

Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus - 2015 Feature Film - Now Available on DVD and Book
WATCH FREE (USA & Canada). Available on Netflix. Rent and watch online at Amazon Prime or on Yahoo.
View our page "The Researchers" for more information contained in this film.

Michael Rood - A Rood Awakening, Shabbat Night Live
Michael Rood has the longest continual collection of interviews of scientist, researchers, film producers, and explorers associated the Exodus in Saudi Arabia.
View our page "The Researchers" and "The Explorers" for more information contained in these TV programs.

Other Videos

Above is a list of more recent items. We will endeavor to add information on older materials produced in the past.